Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Oldening

It's official folks! I'm 23 now. The big two-three. Yeah, it's not that exciting, but I had a great birthday. Lacey has been here since Wednesday, and we've been having a great time in the big city. Thursday night we saw August: Osage County, the winner of many Tony awards and a Pulitzer prize. It lived up to the hype. It was an amazing crafted show, and brilliantly mixed comedy and drama in one of the most enjoyable family conflicts I've ever seen. Absolutely worth the money.
Yesterday, my Birthday, was also a ton of fun. Nathan's grandma made an awesome cake, and Lacey set up the sun room with balloons and a banner, the whole shebang! Not to mention I got a lot of fun stuff. Lacey gave me the absolute Kingdom Come and some sweet little Star Wars guys. Eric Huberty managed to get a me X-Men #1 from the early 90's signed by Jim Lee himself! Whoa! A bunch of people at school this summer got together and took some awesome Birthday themed pictures, which were totally sweet! And let's not forget a Mighty Muggs Venom from the Handler camp! Later in the afternoon Lacey and I visited the American Museum of National History and the Guggenheim, both basically for free (the Guggenheim was pay what you wish, but we decided to give them a little money). Both were a lot of fun, and we decided we need to go back for more time at the Natural History museum. There is a lot of sweet stuff there. We finished off our night at the Hard Rock cafe for some burgers and headed on home. It was a great day!
The olympics have started, but I haven't seen anything yet. Olympic fever! Speaking of the Olympics, they're in china. Have any issues? Discuss!


Rachel Teagle said...

Happy Belated Birthday Mr. Evans!!
I got you this cake.

Unknown said...

You missed the Opening Ceremony? The Parade of Nations took forever and was pretty boring with the sub-par commentating by my favorite NBC correspondent (Bob Costas). The lighting of the torch was just awesome though, and despite my issues with China I can't wait to watch the events. In other news, Happy Birthday!