Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ah MEGO, the Pinnacle of Toy Design

I know I've usually been putting a neat little picture on my posts that is somewhat related to the content. This isn't. MEGOs are just cool. Once again, thanks to Jessica Fleutsch for the wonderful 12" MEGO Hulk she found for me in California. He's smash-tastic!
Well, I finished Maus. Once again, it's absolutely worth your time, whether you like reading Comics or not. A really moving work. Also, a work called
Stuck Rubber Baby by Howard Cruse, a graphic novel about growing up gay in the south during the civil rights movement, has been recommended to me by Rachel Teagle, so I pass that on to all of you.
Since Nathan was home this weekend, I got caught up on my summer movies. Admittedly I wasn't very far behind, but now I'm back on track. First we saw "WANTED", and I feel the same way about it that most reviews I've seen do. If you haven't read the comic books by Mark Millar and J.G. Jones, it's an incredible action movie! Seriously, there is one of the coolest action sequences I've seen the Lobby Scene in the Matrix. However, Nathan lent me the book, and I can say that if you've read the work, the movie is NOTHING LIKE IT AT ALL. Seriously, its connection to its source material is so tangential, it can be barely be said that it's based on it all. Really, I was amazed that the movie I saw could still legitimately be called "WANTED". It's still a really fun action movie though, but the book is cooler.
On to Hellboy II. This was a wonderful movie. The development of the Characters is so thorough and rich, that it really takes the movie one step above the other action movies we've seen this summer. Take that, a fun story, great action, and just the right mix of humor, and you've got a great movie. I think that I like Hellboy I just a little bit better, but just a little tiny bit, and only because I prefer the Lovecraftian enemies to the fairy tale side. Nonetheless, this was one of the most solid summer action movies that's been released this summer.
That's all I got for now, just a quick post to tide you over. Have a good weekend!


Nathan Riemer said...

I was looking up MEGO today, mainly because it's mentioned in the latest Venture Bros episode. Have you seen the new t-shirt? I've already ordered one. It's funny you found the Maus in my haus (hehe), we had to read it for Horace Mann's "Book Day." (Every year a committee picks a book, and the entire high school reads it and spends a day in various workshops and talks which relate to the book.) The Secret Invasion comic books you lent me were good. Isn't it gray-eyed Athena, not green-eyed? Either I have to re-read my Odyssey, or I smell a Skrull. And the thing in Initiative with 3-D Man was brilliant. I read the two Flash TPs I bought, and they were great. Gotta love the Flash, especially with Geoff Johns. I'm glad he's writing some of the Final Crisis tie in books.

Jared Evans said...

Well, she's either a skrull, or my guess is she's Loki dude. All the gods running around? Gotta be.

Nathan Riemer said...

What if she's both? Turns out Loki's been a Skrull all along.