Sunday, July 27, 2008

We are Oscar Mike

It's a thing. People say it. Google it why don't you.
If you haven't guessed, that phrase is military jargon. There are two projects in particular that I've been following recently that tie into our current military situation in two very different ways. The first is War Heroes, the latest venture from Mark Millar, master of Superhero comics that retain what's fun about the superhero genre, without the innocence. The first issue of this six issue project came out last week, and it really was a fun read. The art by Tony Harris has just the right feel of realism to it to keep the story grounded. The premise asks the question, if the US continued to invade other nations, how would we get new recruits for the war effort? Give them superpowers.
The other project is a seven part miniseries on HBO. Generation Kill is an extremely realistic portrayal of a Marine Recon Unit in Iraq. It's based on the book by Evan Wright, which is a retelling of real events. It's really interesting, and is just plain good TV. The fact that it's so close to the actual situation in Iraq just makes it a little more hard hitting. If you do check it out (do it) make sure to go the the website and read up on the characters. Their rank is a bit confusing in the show.
I'm a fifth of the way done with my vampire script. It doesn't take me that long to do, I just haven't put in much time on it lately. But the first draft will be done soon, fear not. Once that's finished I'll edit it a bit and put a draft on the lines. Hurray for progress!
Last Thursday was another solid day at work. It's great to go in there to work. Honestly, I've said it before, but it's just cool! There's another intern there (an art intern) who brings his portfolio to work everyday, and tries to show it to whatever editors he can, even though that's a frightening prospect. Last week Axel Alonso (the editor of the Marvel MAX comics) took a look at his portfolio and gave him some useful criticism. I not only respect that in so many ways, but it's so cool to be working with people who really want to be a part of the industry. Also this intern is really good. I can't believe his stuff. In any case, it's a very encouraging environment. All in all the work proceeds well. I may have mentioned this before, but all of the proofing is good practice if I end up doing more editorial work at the office. Most days I have a few proofs, a dummy book to make, books to send out, comics to file, the usual. It's nice though because I get to see a variety of artistic and writing styles across my projects.
There's been a lot of news coming out of the San Diego Comic Con, a little too much for me to cover, so I won't. CBR has really good coverage if you're interested. I can't think of anything else I wanted to write, so I'll finish this post up with yet another link of interest: Lego Batman.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have you seen the Lego Batman game coming out? I haven't played any of the other Lego video games, but I've heard they're cool and the Batman version is particularly appealing to me for obvious reasons. Glad to hear things are going well at Marvel, and I will definitely check out Generation Kill. Call me when you get home.