Friday, July 25, 2008

New Media and a Wonderful Little Resource

Before I chime in with another full blown post today, I finally got my act together and uploaded the short Documentary piece I made last year, along with my play. They are both available at my OTHER blog, The Rogue Gallery. I hope you enjoy them, and feel free to leave comments. Special thanks to Eric Handler and Paul Carpenter for helping me figure out how to get them online.
Also, I wanted to share a helpful little site I uncovered today. The Comic Book Script Archive. Now, if you have no interest in comic book scripts, then don't bother. However, if you would at all like to see what one looks like, this is a great resource. It is by NO means comprehensive or exhaustive, but it does have a good number of scripts from a variety of authors, many of whom are well known. So feel free to take a look! I know I already have. Then again you knew that too by now. Dang it.

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