Sunday, June 22, 2008

Doctor Whoopla

Well, the latest episode was certainly Donna heavy. I've noticed the whole season has been very 'traveling companion' heavy, but evidently that's been on purpose. I thought the episode itself was a bit clip-showy and boring, but the ending was totally worth it. I pictured Paul's delight at the return of Bad Wolf, which was freaking awesome. Also, another bees reference. Will that all important storyline wrap up? We shall see. I was most saddened by the fact that there was almost no Doctor. I mean, I know that was the whole point, but come on. He's the reason I watch the show! But the next episode (which seems like it'll be a two-parter) looks intense. Everybody's back! Torchwood, Rose, Martha, Daleks, the whole kit-and-kaboodle! I can't wait.

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