Thursday, June 19, 2008

Meanwhile, in New York City...

Back to the grindstone today. I'm getting used to the trains after having a few days to practice. They run on time to an amazing degree. When your little train schedule says the 5:32 arrives in White Plains at 6:05, it arrives at 6:05. It's quite an efficient mode of transportation, and just another reminder that you're a part of the great machine that is the city.
We're still trying to clear out the complimentary trade paperbacks. We're getting closer, but it takes a surprisingly long time to mail those things out. Particularly because we're running out of packing material. I assume they'll restock it soon, but we're down to medium boxes, which aren't the best for sending just one book. In any case, it's still a good time. It's great spending time with the interns, since we all like the same things, it's easy to keep conservation going.
I have made good use of the free comic book bin, but I have learned an important lesson. You have to keep your eyes open for new additions. During the afternoon, Joe Quesada (that's right, Joe Freakin' Quesada) dropped off a pile of stuff, and as soon as he was gone, there were interns and temps all over it like vultures on a juicy fox. And let me tell you, there was some good pickins in there, but it went to the quick. I will now be on the prowl to make sure I get the good stuff. I still took home like 10 more comics anyway. Some good, some not so good, some in italian. Hurray!
It's great to be reading a lot of comics again. Now that I've seen where they're produced, they are even more a labor of love than I previously imagined. These people certainly aren't working in exceptional facilities, or probably even for a lot of money. Just like minded people who work together to produce and maintain a universe they care about.
I've read some good comics and some bad comics recently. Some of the not so good comics I've read tend to be distracting in some way. This could be because of over explaining what we're seeing, not giving us enough of a view into the comic, but either way it takes us out of the reality of what's happening. In the end, we care about the characters, and if we can tell it's being written....well, that's really generally, and not a good blanket statement, but there's good and bad comics. I need to start reading some of my critical materials. Either way, it's great fun. Hopefully tomorrow the other intern and I will finish shipping out those books and we can get on to the real stuff. Until next time true believers, 'nuff said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad your kickin it east coast style. let me know if you want anything from amazon per the last post.